What does it mean to be a Rights Respecting School?

Rights Respecting Schools is an award by the charity UNICEF. The award is for schools that are working towards children’s rights becoming an embedded part of their school ethos. It teaches children about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and enables them to be Rights Respecting Global Citizens and advocates for fairness and social justice in our local community, our country and across the globe.
Pupil Leadership Groups

This year, our Rights Respecting Ambassadors have decided to work as committees. We have 7 committees that each run a different working group around school to further extend the role of the Rights steering group. We also have a Rights Respecting committee. Our Rights Respecting Committee Members are:- Rayna Sophie Khushbekht Harvey

Class Charters

Every class in school has discussed, agreed on and designed their own class charters. These consist of five articles that the whole class agree to focus on and incorporate into their day to day lives. The children have discussed what both the adults and the children have to do to ensure the rights are met and have included these on their charters.